패츠월러와 그의 리듬: 오리지널 레코딩
절판되었던 재즈 명반의 화려한 부활
Jazz Connoisseur Series
유럽 수입 완제품 / SPECIAL PRICE
1. Honey Hush
2. Honeysuckle Rose
3. Ain't Misbehavin'
4. If I Were You
5. Two Sleepy People
6. The Sheik of Araby
7. I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter
8. I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby
9. Your Feet's Too Big
10. The Darktown Strutters' Ball
11. You're Not the Only Oyster In the Stew
12. All That Meat and No Potatoes
13. Squeeze Me
14. Truckin'
15. Winter Weather
16. Handful of Keys
17. Baby Brown
18. Chant of the Groove
19. Come and Get It
20. Moppin' and Boppin'